Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Creaton Vs. Evolution

The handiwork of God is never more evident to me than when I am outdoors.
I see His fingerprint on every flowering tree, blade of grass, tulip, daffodil and crocus.
We've been blessed to live by some beautiful parks and on my walks I think about how amazing God's creation is.
It makes me wonder what an evolutionist must think when they see a beautiful tree--
"Oh, what an interesting thing, that a few molecules formed such a pretty tree."
How can anyone see the complexity and utter harmony of nature and think anything but
"Praise the Lord! What a blessing nature is!"
I see Intelligent Design in EVERYTHING.
I recently read an article about the fact that the Earth gives off a "humming" sound in space.
I've seen other shows on NOVA about how each star makes a different noise.
I can't help but think that from Heaven
the universe must sound like the most amazing symphony.
I'm so thankful that He chose to reveal Himself through Creation.
1 Chronicles 16:33a
"the trees of the forest will sing for joy before the LORD"


Ree said...

AMEN to that!!

Sheri said...

I agree- Beautiful picture!!