Saturday, May 3, 2008

Interesting Verse and An Aside

I like this verse. How true it is.
John 16:21
"Whenever a woman is in labor she has pain, because her hour has come; but when she gives birth to the child, she no longer remembers the anguish because of the joy that a child has been born into the world."

Today is my last day of reading through the gospels--I have really enjoyed reading them in such a fast succession and am struck by how different they are (even though they relate the same story).
Why I like:
Matthew: Matthew is totally from the Jewish perspective which is so interesting--I really like how he relates the story to that culture. I also loved reading the geneology--these things used to really irritate me but reading the lineage of Jesus was totally cool to me this time--I like that Ruth and Rahab are mentioned.
Mark: I enjoyed Mark b/c it's like the Reader's Digest version of the gospel and relates more of John the Baptist's story.
Luke: Luke is one of my favorite of the four b/c it is so thoroughly detailed. The geneology in Luke dates all the way to Adam. Reading it moved me to tears. I'm just weird like that.
John: John is my fav. I can't help it. You in the mood for a good read? Pick up John--he relates so well how one can be assured of salvation and is a real story teller. His language moves me. John speaks to the long lost English teacher in my soul.

Anyways, I'm so glad the Juniors put forth the challenge. I don't usually read so much of the Bible in one day (it's nice to let it sink in a little more) but I am really enjoying my journey through the New Testament.


Ree said...

Wow!! John 16:21 Really hits home, huh? It's so funny coming from a man!! I have to say, you truly amaze me with how you understand and relate these writings!! Sometimes I feel like I am totally lost and, honestly, a bit stupid, because I can't grasp them like that!! You do make me want to read them!!

Ree said...

Oh, and I feel the same way, you used to about the geneology. Sometimes it goes on so long I feel totally lost!! But on the other hand, it is interesting!!

Madre said...

when dadeo and I went to the marriage conference....they told us that God's Word is FULL of reassurance of His love for us....and then challenged us to DAILY reassure our mate of our love for them. So often when I read God's Word, I am not thinking about His love - usually thinking more about how I need to CHANGE!
(it is a real blessing to hear your response to reading the Word - and I am challenged to read more large passages than what I normally would read)