Sunday, June 8, 2008


I have been following my points more closely this week and the good news is my husband said, "Wow, you look thinner."
the other day so I guess maybe it's "working"
(although beauty is in the eye of the beholder).
Maybe someday soon I'll have enough courage to step on a scale again...
but until then, kind comments and loose-r clothes hold more water.


Megan and Company said...

Numbers mean nothing. If you're feeling fitter, you're doing great!!

Brie Latini said...

And don't just hold the water, be sure to drink it! ;-)

Ree said...

Just like Megan's how ya feel and how your clothes fit!! It's really about the inches and NOT the numbers!! Those numbers can look deceiving: it may look like you haven't lost (or even gained), but you did gain muscle which weighs more than the fat you lost, thus looking like you haven't made any strides in wght. lose when you did lose the inches!!!
So...YEAH!! for the better fitting clothes and that skirt you got back into!!
Oh, and if hubby does notice than it has to be true...remember, he sees you everday so it will take him longer to see a change!!

SarahV said...

that's a great update! good for you :) and i can't wait to bask in all of your skinny-ness on Monday!!!

Madre said...

guess what????!!! my first week of WW and a total of SIX pounds lost! (hopefully lost forever!)