Monday, January 9, 2012

New Year New Goals

So last year I did a good job of incorporating exercise into my daily schedule...until I got deathly ill for two months. Gah. I am fully healthy again and taking baby steps towards healthy living. Here are my goals so far:
1. Drink more water. 64oz. a day (2 water bottles full--this will be a big change!). 
2. Track food (using Spark People)
3. Exercise 3 days a week to start
Other goals include:
4. Making a plan for dinner each night and sticking to it
5. Getting back into daily Bible reading/devotions
6. Less tv for the kids and more learning activities/walks/library etc.

Being so sick, and having sick kids for most of the last 3 months has really thrown us off track. It's so difficult to stick to rules when everyone isn't themselves! Hopefully we're past the bulk of our health issues and can get things back to normal around here!

1 comment:

Coach Prentice said...

You can do it! And Spring will be here before we know it...right? Right?