Thursday, October 30, 2008

I get so emotional baby--every time I think of you...

Today in Bible study the topic was emotions.
One of my favorite chicas-Janet-led study today and
she shared a bunch of thoughts that struck me.
The fellowship of the believers is such a good thing--it makes my heart sing.
I am emotional.
I mean--you know--not just a little bit--a LOT a bit.
My Mom recently gave me a magnet with my name on it and the "meaning" it reads:
French name from the Hebrew meaning "who is like the Lord." She is very independent with strong emotions.
Yep--that stinkin' magnet hits a little too close to home and is on my refrigerator reminding me of all the work I need to do (which is a good thing).
I grew up surrounded by some very logical thinkers who didn't approve so much of the way
I feel things...
**trulymadlydeeply **
I was made at times to feel weak and "less than" because of my emotional responses to...well...everything.
I can not tell you how FREEING it was to read today about
*the emotions that God has
*the fact that our emotional selves reflect a facet of His personality
*to read David's Psalms to the Lord in which he cries out with great emotion and replaces the way he feels with what he knows about God
*to hear the other ladies discuss how they impact their lives and families
Granted--human emotion has been tainted by the fall of man but being emotional isn't wrong--it's the response to the emotion that can be.
A few ladies shared the emotion that they struggle with the most and I was so thankful that more than one shared how anger is their most difficult to tame.
I have been convicted and working recently on finding a good verse to help me replace my anger with Truth and two that I'm writing out TODAY to put on 3 x 5 cards are:
Isa 26:3: You will keep him in perfect peace whose mind is stayed on You.
James 1:19-20: Therefore, my beloved brethren, let every man be swift to hear, slow to speak, slow to wrath; for the wrath of man does not produce the righteousness of God.
God's Word is good. I'm so thankful for His truth and help. It's a good thing.


Pamela said...

Mmm, yeah. That James one is nicey. I'm putting it on my fridge, in my pocket, and in my brain today. Thanks.

Madre said...

Oh emotions.....who can tame them??? I have struggled with that emotions game my whole life. It has especially been difficult for me at work, where I am under the gun with COUNTLESS people placing demands on me throughout the 8 hours I am there.

So - who can I run to for help? The LORD God, who calms my heart and gives me strength for each new day.

Thanks for sharing shellgirl - I love you and praise the LORD for you.

Ree said...

I think that magnet suits you perfectly. I have said before that I admire the way you express HIS word!! You are more Jesus like than anyone I've known!! You are also very independent--at least that is what I see.
Talk about emotions--I am in that boat as well. There is nothing wrong with that--it's who we are!!